
Orthodontics is the branch of science that examines the crowding of the teeth, the relationship of the jaw bones with each other and with the skull bones and diagnoses the existing problems related to these. Treatment is a way of treating disorders in this system.

In orthodontic treatment, it is necessary to get support from some points in order to move the teeth. We achieve this with brackets and rings placed on the teeth. By directing the braces from these support points, the teeth are guided and positioned. Brackets can be metal or ceramic according to aesthetic expectations.
Izmir, which is a current approach, performs the tooth mobilization process performed by the brackets in the treatments in a faster, comfortable and aesthetic way by wrapping the tooth in 3 dimensions.
We believe in the importance of our patients being informed and we think that no question in their minds should remain unanswered. Therefore, we have answered some frequently asked questions about the treatment.

What is Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is a type of dental treatment that aims to correct abnormalities in tooth and jaw structure. Orthodontic treatments are performed by orthodontists, aiming to align the teeth properly, eliminate crowding, correct jaw problems and provide an aesthetic smile. It can be applied in both children and adults.

What Does an Orthodontist Do?

Orthodontists are dental specialists who diagnose and treat problems with the position, alignment or spacing of teeth and irregularities in the face and jaw. We use a range of specialized treatments, including braces and other oral appliances, to correct these problems. This is the answer to the question of what orthodontics does. Specialists are dentists who have 4 years of specialized training over 5 years of dentistry and can work as orthodontists.

Why Should I Have Orthodontic Treatment?

There are two good reasons: aesthetics and function. Having an attractive smile not only changes the way people see you, but also improves your self-confidence. Orthodontic treatment also improves your overall dental health by making it easier to keep your teeth clean. Because it is so difficult to properly care for misaligned teeth, it is often difficult to avoid cavities and plaque buildup. Gaps or pieces of food trapped in tight spaces make it easier for bacteria to feed and take up residence on your teeth. Orthodontics also includes the treatment of split teeth.

How is Orthodontic Treatment Performed?

The treatment is basically carried out through various special appliances. If your teeth are crowded, sparse or if there are structural problems in the jaw, you should first be examined by a competent and experienced specialist. As a result of the examination and tests performed, the specialist will clearly reveal the existing problem with your teeth. He/she will then inform you about alternative treatment methods. He or she will tell you which of these treatments will give the best results for your current problem. You will also tell him/her your questions and concerns about the treatment, if any. In this way, you decide which treatment you will implement in a mutual exchange of ideas.

When Should Orthodontic Treatment Start?

You are never too old to start treatment, but it may be easier to treat your problems if you start at an earlier age.  We recommend that a child who needs treatment should make their first visit to the dentist around the age of 7.

Is Orthodontic Treatment Mostly for Children?

No, about 25% of cases are adults. If you have had previous treatment or if your smile problems developed in adulthood, you have the opportunity to have a better smile with options such as invisible clear aligners or clear porcelain braces.

How Can I Recognize a Potential Closing or Bite Problem?

Uneven, overlapping or out-of-position teeth are a clear indication that treatment is needed. Less obvious signs are mouth breathing, frequent cheek or palate biting, speech difficulties and thumb sucking that persists after the age of 3-4 years. Teeth that do not close harmoniously when the mouth is closed, or that shift or make noise as the jaw moves may also indicate a problem.

Does It Hurt When I Get Braces?

Getting braces is a completely painless and painless procedure. After the braces are placed on your teeth, you may experience minor pain that will subside after a few days. In this case, you can use mild painkillers recommended by your doctor, but most of the time this is not necessary.

Does Orthodontic Treatment Leave White Marks on My Teeth?

Contrary to popular belief, the white marks on the tooth color that occur in some people after orthodontic treatment are not caused by the brackets. In fact, these white spots can also be seen in people without treatment. These marks, which occur as a result of inadequate oral hygiene, indicate the onset of caries. The main cause of these marks is inadequate brushing and frequent consumption of junk food and sugary foods. Maintaining healthy habits to avoid cavities is enough to prevent these marks.

Just follow four simple steps to have a clean smile when your treatment is over:

  • Brush your teeth as many times as your specialist recommends. During treatment, you may be advised to brush more than twice a day.
  • Floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks (such as soda, cola, energy drinks, cold sweetened tea).
  • Keep your dental appointments.



How Much Does Orthodontic Treatment Cost?

Orthodontic treatment is a long-term investment in your health and beauty. However, it is important to note that costs are not rising as fast as other consumer prices. Against the real cost of living with problem teeth, treatment can be a really wise investment.

Since orthodontic treatment is completely individualized, treatment fees vary according to the patient's expectations and needs.

When you visit our clinic, we examine you to examine your teeth, including X-rays of your teeth and jaw, to determine the type and extent of the malocclusion or any potential future problems with your bite. He or she can then recommend the right treatment plan for you based on your expectations, lifestyle and the severity of the problem.

With a short initial examination for our pediatric patients, we can observe whether treatment is currently or in the future necessary and determine the ideal program to monitor your child's growth and dental development.

You can contact us for orthodontic treatment prices.

What are Transparent Aligners?

Treatment methods used for problems are developing and renewing day by day. With the use of new technologies, alternative treatment methods that are more comfortable and do not cause aesthetic concerns are offered to people's preference. Thus, the times when people hesitate to receive treatment are left behind.

Transparent plaque treatment, which started to be applied as an alternative to traditional braces, is also known as Izmir wire-free orthodontic treatment. Through 3D printers, the defects in the teeth can be eliminated with transparent plaque, which is prepared and applied individually. The treatment can be performed without traditional metal or porcelain wires. 

How is Transparent Aligner Treatment Applied?

To prepare transparent aligners, also called Invisalign, support is obtained from 3D scanners and printers. The impression taken from the patient is scanned with a 3D scanner and the transparent plate is prepared using a 3D printer. The patient wears the aligners on their teeth as and when recommended by the specialist. The teeth are gradually moved to the desired position through the aligners. Routine checks are performed during the treatment process. The aligners are replaced during these checks. The treatment continues in this way until the teeth reach the targeted position.

It is the specialist dentist who will decide whether the person's existing orthodontic problem can be solved with clear aligner treatment. Not every case can be treated with clear aligners. Therefore, it would be best to contact an orthodontist who is specialized and experienced in this field.

How Much Does Orthodontic Treatment Cost?

Orthodontic treatment is a long-term investment in your health and beauty. However, it is important to note that costs are not rising as fast as other consumer prices. Against the real cost of living with problem teeth, treatment can be a really wise investment.

Since orthodontic treatment is completely individualized, treatment fees vary according to the patient's expectations and needs.

When you visit our clinic, we examine you to examine your teeth, including X-rays of your teeth and jaw, to determine the type and extent of the malocclusion or any potential future problems with your bite. He or she can then recommend the right treatment plan for you based on your expectations, lifestyle and the severity of the problem.

With a short initial examination for our pediatric patients, we can observe whether treatment is currently or in the future necessary and determine the ideal program to monitor your child's growth and dental development.

You can contact us for orthodontic treatment prices.



What are Transparent Aligners?

Treatment methods used for problems are developing and renewing day by day. With the use of new technologies, alternative treatment methods that are more comfortable and do not cause aesthetic concerns are offered to people's preference. Thus, the times when people hesitate to receive treatment are left behind.

Transparent plaque treatment, which started to be applied as an alternative to traditional braces, is also known as Izmir wire-free orthodontic treatment. Through 3D printers, the defects in the teeth can be eliminated with transparent plaque, which is prepared and applied individually. The treatment can be performed without traditional metal or porcelain wires. 

How is Transparent Aligner Treatment Applied?

To prepare transparent aligners, also called Invisalign, support is obtained from 3D scanners and printers. The impression taken from the patient is scanned with a 3D scanner and the transparent plate is prepared using a 3D printer. The patient wears the aligners on their teeth as and when recommended by the specialist. The teeth are gradually moved to the desired position through the aligners. Routine checks are performed during the treatment process. The aligners are replaced during these checks. The treatment continues in this way until the teeth reach the targeted position.

It is the specialist dentist who will decide whether the person's existing orthodontic problem can be solved with clear aligner treatment. Not every case can be treated with clear aligners. Therefore, it would be best to contact an orthodontist who is specialized and experienced in this field.

Who is orthodontic treatment applied to?

Orthodontic treatment is applied to everyone, regardless of age, who has crooked, curved or crooked teeth.

What happens if orthodontics is not performed?

When orthodontic treatment is not performed, imbalance in the jaw, problems in speech and dental health problems will increase.

How many days does orthodontics heal?

The healing process of orthodontic treatment may vary according to the person. When the recommendations are followed, it takes an average of 22-24 months.

Does orthodontic treatment hurt?

Orthodontic treatment is not a painful procedure. Orthodontic treatment requires an adjustment period. The movement of the teeth may bring mild pain.

Do braces change the shape of the lips?

Braces treatment can make the upper lips look fuller. After the treatment, both teeth and lips may improve positively.

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