Zirconium Implant

Zirconium implant is a frequently preferred implant type due to its durability, longevity and biocompatibility. In addition, it may be the reason for preference for those who are concerned about an aesthetic appearance in terms of color. It has a structure that is not easily damaged and does not wear out. Zirconium implant, which does not cause gum problems, is a reliable solution in the treatment of tooth deficiency. It has a higher price compared to titanium implant, but its advantages are just as much.

What is a Zirconium Implant?

A zirconium implant is an artificial tooth root used to complete the gap created by missing teeth. A prosthetic tooth is placed on it. However, some people may have weak gums. Titanium implants do not create an aesthetic appearance in these people. Therefore, zirconium implants with a white appearance may be preferred. It is a robust and aesthetic material. 

How is Zirconium Implant Made?

In zirconium implant construction, the mouth and jaw structure are first evaluated in detail. With local anesthesia, a suitable environment is prepared on the jawbone where the implant will be placed. It is then placed and allowed to adapt to the jawbone for a few months. If desired, a temporary prosthetic tooth can be attached. When the period is completed, the denture can be specially shaped and fitted. It is permanently placed and a natural tooth-like appearance is provided.

What are the Features of Zirconia Dental Implant?

Zirconia dental implant is actually a ceramic material and does not have a metal feature. It does not pose any harmful situation for our teeth and body. On the contrary, it can be preferred because it is biocompatible. There is no allergy on the person. Zirconia dental implant has a long life and natural appearance in the most suitable way for the tooth structure. 

Zirconium Implant Advantages

The advantages of zirconium implants can be explained by the fact that zirconium is a completely natural material. Since zirconium does not contain metal, it does not cause any problem in terms of aesthetic appearance as it is very similar to the natural tooth color. It is also more hygienic than metal materials. It is preferred because it is very strong and durable. 
Since the zirconium implant is compatible with the immune system, it does not cause any allergic conditions. The process of acceptance of the implant by the jawbone is also facilitated and the implant procedure is performed in a simple way. 

Disadvantages of Zirconium Implants

The disadvantages of zirconium implants are that they are more fragile and more expensive than titanium implants. The cost of treatment is high because the processing of zirconium and its production as an implant requires more complex processes. Zirconiums can be more fragile, although their durability has increased with advancing technology. The process of placing the zirconium implant in the jaw root may also take longer. 

What is the Difference of a Zirconium Implant?

Zirconium is the biggest different material of the implant. It is generally preferred over titanium implants because it is durable and biocompatible. Aesthetically, it can be preferred because it provides an appearance closer to natural teeth. The human body may show sensitivity and allergy to titanium implants, but zirconium implants are compatible with the human body. 
Zirconium implants have a lower conductivity than titanium. This can reduce tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods. Zirconiums are more durable and long-lasting. It shows durability during chewing and other movements.

Who Can Get Zirconium Implants?

Zirconium implant is a procedure performed on people with missing teeth. It is performed on people who have aesthetic concerns, especially those with thin gum structure and whose gums are visible when they smile. Zirconium implant can be easily performed on people who have metal allergies and suffer from this problem. It can also be applied to people who prefer zirconium implant instead of titanium implant. 

How are Zirconium Implants Different from Titanium Implants?

Zirconium implants show the same performance in integrating with the jawbone as titanium implants. Titanium implants are silver-colored, while zirconium implants are white. After the prosthetic tooth is attached, a dark metal color may appear under the gum. In this respect, zirconium implants have a more aesthetic appearance. They are more visible especially on the front teeth.
Zirconium implants do not cause any allergic reaction, but titanium implants may cause an allergic reaction in some patients. It can be investigated whether there is a titanium allergy before treatment. It can be said that a person with sensitive skin, allergic and weak immune system is more at risk in this regard.
Zirconium implants are biocompatible and resistant to chemical abrasion. Titanium implants are not resistant to tooth abrasion.

Zirconium Implant Prices 2023

Zirconium implant prices do not have a definite price in 2023. While determining the price, the patient's dental examination should be performed first. Oral and dental examination should be performed by an experienced dentist. The cost of this treatment varies depending on both the experience of the dentist, the quality of the materials to be used and the dental problems of the patient. 

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